Luciano Chessa – musicologist, composer and performer. His book Luigi Russolo, Futurist: Noise, Visual Arts and the Occult, published in 2012 by the University of California Press, is a first monograph entirely devoted to the artist Luigi Russolo and his Art of Noises. Luciano Chessa has been performing futurist sound poetry and conducting an orchestra of rebuilt intonarumoris for well over 10 years. The orchestra was so far performing, among others, as a part of the New York-based Biennale of the Arts PERFORMA or the Festival Transart in Rovereto. Chessa is also the art director and conductor of The Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners. He teaches at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, serves in the Advisory Board of TACET, the international research publication dedicated to Experimental Music of the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne.